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" NUNU ''

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tomorrow brings something new on day 15 of 64

We received a call today to be at hospital at 8am tomorrow for Vanyas first chemo injection in the glutous maximus { we call it bum-bums} . They say this is the really sore one but they use the amla patch to deaden the area a bit .Still we are all anxious to see that it'll be fine as there are many more of these to come and have heard that some children get allergic or epileptic type reactions - be strong my little one . .

Yesterday and today seemed ok for all and the only real signs were fatigue , hunger and a little light headedness , otherwise Vanya is holding up well , stilll brave and strong .

We received some more homework today and good food , flowers and more from 2 or more  moms - thanks so much , you know who you are -it's a great help always !

And so our journey continues on day 15 of 64 in the first treatment phase - 23 % of the way there but only the first round and we know the treatment is starting to work for our precious daughter .

Here's looking forward top a peaceful weekend for all and more healing time with its ups and downs . I must thank my beloved wife Sylvia who is just amazing with Vanya under trying times . There are some things that only a Mom can do no matter how hard Dad tries it's just not the same . . . .so it's go to be back to back , united we stand , divided we fall {and thats not an option }.

We became aware again today to ensure that we  give attention to our other children as we can see they starting to feel left out with all the attention Vanya gets . We will work on this as best we can .

Best get a reasonably early night as we leave quite early tomorrow and it could be another long day  , maybe 1 movie to take our minds away a bit and then zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. Good night all and once again thanks for just being there !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She's a very brave little girl
and very strong too