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" NUNU ''

Thursday, March 18, 2010

How it all started - allow us to share our journey with you . . .


We'll start slowly as we want to share our experiences with anyone in the world whom it may help . Those in the same boat behind us , ahead of  us and beside us . Join us and lets share with our families and friends who we know really care and will always be there . We know we will need them along the way .

Let us share with each other - strangers in cyberspace but universally connected by a common life - changing and humbling event in our own journeys on earth .

We have quickly learned to take it day by day , treatment by treatment , week by week , month by month and so we'll go on this roller coaster of a journey they say - we can only imagine but don't really know .


We received the most awful , heartbreaking news a parent could take - our precious Vanya at 6 years of  age was diagnosed with Leukemia which we knew was cancer of the blood and thats all we knew .

We sat in disbelief with our Paediatrician , listening to the process and options ahead as we wondered if it could be a mistake or a mis-diagnosis but no it was true and shocking to the very core of our souls .

Within an hour we had booked into the paediatric oncology ward of Tygerburg hospital having been told it was one of the best with a great team of Doctors . We had a brief induction with Dr. Uys and were put in a room on our own but noticed the other wards had several patients in.We would move there soon they said .

As the door closed we felt as if we were imprisoned , alone and depressed while trying to answer our childs questions as honestly as possible but not knowing what was to happen next . Daddy took the first nightshift and sleptover whilst Mommy went home to our other children , a brother of 12 and sister of 16 .

I believe they all cried through the night as they tried to sleep and the next morning my wife Sylvia pulled herself together as a mother in - deed can , and gathered whatever we needed to make the stay at hospital as comfortable as ever .


We spent the day there together and were briefed again about the different types of Leukemia but would have to do a bone marrow extract within 24 hours under conscious sedation for testing so they could adopt the appropriate protocol of treatment .

We had to make our own food as this was a State hospital and rather run down but we knew we had to saty there for now until we understood more , so we settled into routine as best as possible and Mom took this night shift .

That night I felt how it was cold and alone in an empty bed with my one son not being able to sleep but for some reason I had not yet shed my tears although emotional at times , I was holding back still trying to come up with a plan to resolve this situation .

Our journey will continue soon - need some sleep , its 3AM  ....

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