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" NUNU ''

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Still Thursday 18 March but feels like another day . We received a call from our Dr. Stefan to take Vanya in for blood tests and to get some more pills to deal with her tummy and headaches .

She thinks its the chemo from the lumbar punch they did last Monday but wants to ensure that the blood count is ok prior to the Broviac pipe {or Hickman catheter} is inserted into her chest tomorrow .

Vanya does not want to eat or drink anything yet today so the pills which are meant to stimulate her appetite has not kicked in yet .

We need her to eat well today as she may not have any food or liquid from midnight tonight as prep for the operation tomorrow .

Still busy finalising the medical aid pre-authorisations due to confusion with the transfer between hospitals and the short notice for the operation at 8AM tomorrow .

So , for now it's off to Sharon the wonderful nurse at the hospital for bloods and medication .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"On the road to life there are many paths... some twist, some turn, some dip, some curve. As long as you keep your focus, your destination is obtainable."