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" NUNU ''

Monday, March 22, 2010

Today we wish to express our innermost gratitude

To the wonderful parents and teachers of our daughters school - Chesterhouse .We are so grateful for all the calls , sms'es and emails we receive . Thank you all for the visits , gifts and food at Tygerburg hospital !

Ann Cordner and Marjo Prins - we were blown over with your visit and your sharing and caring . As for the build- a bear with the recorded messages from the children and embroidered names - wow!  it was so touching!

Thanks to all the parents for your joint effort in comforting us and Vanya with your visits at home and in hospital - it's sometimes all surreal to us and we still can't or don't want to believe this is really happening .

Today Vanya decided we should have another picnic as some of our family came to visit . The steriod pills continue to build up a huge appetite and keeps us busy in the kitchen . Thankfully for now , Vanya has no aches and pains besides a tummy ache last night . Although she does seem to be tired quite often during the day .

Tomorrow it's off to hospital for chemo if the blood count allows . If not it could mean a blood or platelet transfusion . At least for now we know there is no infection and we are doing our best to keep it that way . \

Love to all and thanks once again !

1 comment:

TG said...

We can only imagine the difficult path that lies ahead for you. Do not despair, you are not alone, we are all here to assist in whatever way we can. Vanya is so brave and polite,despite her pain and discomfort.
Sharing your journey, you will find, can be quite therapeutic.
You are in our thoughts and prayers.