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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Our first intravenous chemotherapy treatment

This morning was filled with silent anxiety as we waited for the blood test results they do before each chemo session . After 2 hours it arrived and although the haemoglobin was a bit low as well as the platelets , it was not threatening and Dr. Stefan decided to go ahead withthe first round of chemo through the chest catheter .

First there was a 200ml bag / 27mg of a drug called Daunorubicin which looks a bit like orange lucozade and took about 1 hour to complete . Prior to this they administered Zofran 2mg for nausea and the second drug was a 50ml / 1.35mg bag of Vincristine which took another 1/2 hour .

Besides receiving 2 lovely Hannah Montana hampers from Pick 'n Pay head office that was about it for the day which began at 9am and ended at around 5pm . Oh , and we also managed to catch up with lots of homework on the bed and plenty snacking .

Vanya was in good spirits and actually cracking jokes and demanding lots of stuff to eat all the way home .
We 'll have to see what the night has instore for us but so far so good , although they say the chemo works through the body for a few days until the next treatment so we could still expect side effects along the way .

Our next visit to hospital providing all goes well is on Monday 29th{and maybe Friday before that as well- to be confirmed} and it's for another bone marrow extraction for testing { lumbar punch} - quite sore and causes some anxiety with all of us ,  but the paediatrican is great and said that he will increase the dose of pre-med next time .

This will take us to day 15 of the first 64 day session . . .

I have to go to JHB tomorrow and hope Sylvia and Vanya will be okay , only back at 10pm

1 comment:

Carl Bayhack said...

Dear Glen & Sylvia,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time.

Vanya you are brave, and beautiful. Am glad to see you love Kellogs cornflakes.

We will follow your journey and keep you in our minds

Love: Carl Leanne Gabriel and Kieran Bayhack