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" NUNU ''

Monday, April 19, 2010

Our roller coaster takes a positive turn !

Besides a sore throat and difficulty with swallowing ,a fair weekend was had by all , thanks to andolex mouthspray , bicarb and salt gargle and a team effort by Mom and Dad .and siblings.

Along came Mondays chemo , the 2 nasty bags full but the laspar injection was out of the stock in the pharmacy which dad of course queried as it would throw the programme out . In the end we accepted and returned Tuesday for the bum one .

The rest of week at home was mainly about food,and more food .Our little Chipmunk is not Elvin but Vanya  and you cannot imagine the amount she can consume {photo to follow soon}. It starts as a midnight feast , continues through a 5am breakfast , brunch , lunch , munch and dinner in 24 hour cycles.

Friday sees the successful repeat of the catheter procedure with chemo{this time in her leg as the muscle is nice and big like the bum & cerebral spinal fluid for testing. The one we are hoping to be drastically reduced to get closer to remission but the results were only due out on Monday .

We must add at this stage something we have not mentioned much of lately and that is Prayer , our own , our friends and even strangers . I for one , have never prayed , meditated and spent so much time introspectively in my life before and often wonder if this is a divine message from above , part of Gods greater plan .

It's Monday and although cold out , the sun shines on us today and warms our hearts with a positive spirit .
The blood results are stable , the laspar is quick and not so sore { no. 8 - the last one for a long while , yeah Vanya we made it ! our brave little champ . .}.

We only received  telephonic feedback late today about the bone marrow results when Dr. Stefan called to say - VANYA IS IN REMISSION !! the blasts came down to below 5 % and we need to spend tomorrow day and night in hospital for a 24 hr chemo drip plus another drip to protect the kidneys for this new toxic chemical .

On Wednesday we can come home we hope but have to go daily from Thursday to Sunday for a chemo injection via the catheter { new one too } . This is the second part of the first 64 day phase and part of the protocol being followed . It includes a new chemo pill  called 6mp , once per day with dinner taking us to Day 64  and the steriods will be stopped from Thursday . We remain on the standard risk treatment at this stage .

It's from hereon we believe the hair may start falling out and body could take more strain without steroids as the chemo generally intensifies . For now however we are ever grateful for this achievement and Vanya remains the loving , caring and affectionate child we know - we are looking forward to her turning 7 on Thursday although it will be a quietish one - it's a blessing and on that note bless you all too that are praying us through !

1 comment:

Paulo Mendes said...

Stay strong my friends as this journey is for growth and blessings. Our Father in heaven is a loving Father. Tough we don't understand some things as they happen, when they happen.

We are encouraged by His ever present Love and Care. Your journey has become an lesson in determination, compassion and faith for many and our prayers are with you (the whole family).

An super congratulations to soon to be BIG 7, Vania.

As you said Glen, this is not a short race, but a journey. A journey that will bring you and your family to much blessing as you grow together arounf Vania day by day. May our Father and God bless you.

Paulo & Dalida Mendes