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" NUNU ''

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Good Friday came a week late for us . .

Yesterdays visit was the text book one we always hoped for , starting with the usual blood test which came back ok,  followed by the chemo injection but not without a kick and a scream or two  . We were going home for the weekend - hurray ! but only after an hours observation and monitoring of the vital statistics whilst hooked up to a heartrate and bloodpressure machine .

We had some time to bond with Christine next door , a lovely 18 year old girl who had been diagnosed in 1992 with cancer{not sure which type} but was now back for a cancerous growth behind her eye . Vanya likes her lots and says she looks real pretty with no hair and that maybe we should buy her a nice woolly cap for winter .

Nurse Melinie from the other days disasters , bumped into us and was totally relieved we were going home and we all shared a hug to re-inforce the peacemaking process .

Once again we had to stop for pizzas, rollmops and olives on the way home and after pigging out we settled down for the night . At 2am Vanya woke us with a sore throat , we gave some medicine and spray that the paediatrcian prescribed yesterday , saying that this was a normal side effect from chemotherapy . Plus she craved for chocolate ice cream , so together we enjoyed it freezing cold at 2am !

So for now our big challenge is to try doctor Vanyas sore mouth and throat as it has become really painful and she struggles to eat , which is punishment while on the steroid pills . All we can do is good oral hygiene , gargling with goodstuff , and cool liquids with occassional ponstan pain medicine. We hope this does not last too long as it makes us feel a bit helpless and really sorry for her .

Oops we must not forget to call medical aid for pre-authorisation for Monday , we have to each and every time we go as day visitors , but not when booked to stay in hospital . I was warned by other parents about the pathology claims too and just experienced a R10 000 non payment for a months blood tests ! Fortunately I managed to get it backdated .

Here's to a good weekend and a positive outlook towards our next chemo session on Monday - the 5th bum injection plus a chemo drip the nasty orange one. This will bring us to Day 29 of 64 for the 1st phase of treatment , followed by the 3rd bone marrow extraction next friday - Day 33 .

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