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" NUNU ''

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Exactly 2 months into our journey . . .feels like six !

We're back ! on track and with the programme and all its challenges .Although it feels so much longer , we would do it all over again just to heal our loving daughter Vanya .

Since 11 March 2010 we have spent 21 nights in hospital , mainly for treating infections and having blood tests and blood cultures plus of course routine chemo as well as 4 blood transfusions. Vanya is doing okay and hardly ever moans besides the odd head and tummy aches - still as strong and positive as always !

The mouth sores are under control due to regular gargling , andolex spray for the pain and the nightly chemo pill continues as does Angel teacher Lize Carstens from Chesterhouse school . The lessons alternate between home and hospital of course and Vanya loves it , although we sometimes have to cancel due to unpredictable nature of this dreaded disease .

We are still waiting for the hair loss and believe it's now imminent so we have the hairdresser on standby for a group shavathon at home when the time comes . First Dad and the boys of course ! but any friends and family out there are welcome to join our supporters group , just post a comment to let us know or email us at grj@mweb.co.za . The boys are a bit shy but have alluded to maybe coloring their hair blue or other - so schools beware ! Any group photos sent to us will be a great support and ease the way forward , even a pink beanie will do { for the guys too !}

On the 17 May we reach the end of the 64 phase of treatment and await the next round , but if all stays on track we have a 2 week total break besides a new daily pill to take .

This week includes 4 daily chemo sessions with 1 more dreaded spinal chemo injection tomorrow but her white blood cell count was really low today so we have to be extremely cautious with infections , colds and flu .

The steroid / quartersone pills are no more for now and the appetite has subsided somewhat , although still eating it has become more challenging to ensure a balanced diet . Shakes will soon play an important role .

We know that folks out there have been wondering why we have been so quiete lately on our blog , suffice is to say - it's just been life in general and pressures and stresses to boot ! We have regained our composure though and on we go . . .

On 22 April we enjoyed Vanyas 7th Birthday party with a few girls , all wearing masks with Fairies and all - thanks so much to the Masked -  Mothers who assisted with the cakes and eats - you are all wonderful sincere people and we appreciate it so much ! Words cannot describe our gratitude .We will try add photos soon .

Thank you Madre , Elsje , Michelle , Theresa , Pierre , Clinton , Linda , Thiru , Megan , Carol-Ann , Selvyn & family , friends , neighbours and family - you know who you are and please forgive us if we have left some out this round . The sms'es , emails , calls , visits , gifts , eats - WOW MAN ! it brings tears to our eyes but warms the heart too ! and helps us to keep goingwhen times are tough .

On a lighter note , today Vanya insisted that Mom and Dad go out on a date { as long as she can still sleep in our bed  . . . .or her sister Jaydenes ! Perhaps this is the start of a good thing so we can rekindle our marriage in that way , as it's no secret that's been difficult of late , but the Love is still there through it all and on that foundation we can only build on the rocky start we were warned about . .and man did we experience it !

So as we approach our Winter we shall strive to bond our family even more and be there for our precious Angel {Nunu} Vanya - the Princess {yes it's Dad talking , but I'll be forgiven } . Whilst our other children do feel left out a bit , we have to say that in the bigger scheme of things they are great , loving and supportive - thanks kids - we love you all the same and need you close to us on our familiy journey - please always remember that when the road gets rocky along the way . .

We will strive to communicate at least twice a week from here onwards and hope we can recriprocate all the kindness , compassion and love shown to us in this journey called Life .

All our Love and prayers to you and your families .

Love Glen , Sylvia , Jaydene{16} , Lauren{15} , Dean{12} , Dylan {12}& Vanya